Sunday, March 23, 2008

Larry the Lizard

The lizard has been captured.
I will be happy for the next month on that fact alone. We had an alligator lizard hiding out in the hedge in front of our house, and we could not find him or drive him out for anything. So, I had resigned myself to the fact that he was taking up permanent residence there and was dealing with it okay when unexpectedly he made a second home in the bush in front of our mailbox. Now, when I'm reaching inside my mailbox for my mail, and all of sudden there is a rustle and a six-inch tail (that looks like a rattlesnake) draped over the bush right under my hand, I get kind of tired of explaining to my neighbors why I'm always running into the house screaming. So, my wonderful neighbor Jim dug up the bush for me (it was ugly anyways) and we found the little scoundrel hiding in it. He now has a new home very far away from me, more in the wilds as it were, and both parties couldn't be happier. More bugs for him, less heart attacks for me. So, Abby and Jack's reptile education will have to wait, and I've decided that all future pets in the Barquero household will always be warm-blooded.


1 comment:

Marsha said...

Love the new spring photos. Jack's hair cracks me up !!