Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Abby Learns Spanish

One good thing about watching Dora 24/7 is that Abby is starting to pick up on some spanish words. She can count from 1-5 in spanish, and it's really cute to hear her do it! My favorite one though, is "empujen," which Abby pronounces, "poopen." She was also saying "ba-hoe" and "riba" today for "abajo" and "arriba." I really have to credit that show with jumpstarting Abby's language acquisition. Just trying to say things from Dora has given her a lot of confidence, and now she tries to say almost anything. Another one of my favorites (in English) is whenever we go somewhere now in the car, Abby calls it the bus. I guess calling it the car wasn't exciting enough for her, so now I tell her to get in the car and she starts calling out, "Mama's bus, Mama's bus." I hope Jack has just as many funny sayings when he gets to be her age, because I'm sure going to miss it when she doesn't do this anymore!

1 comment:

The Princess said...

Is everyone done with the constant pooping and vomitting yet?