Saturday, January 5, 2008

Bedtime Prayers

Every night before Abby goes to sleep, we read our two books and then pray. Well, two nights ago, she was so tired she fell asleep while I was praying. Which is fine and normal and I was not offended or anything. But last night, while I was praying, I was so tired I fell asleep in the middle of my prayer! You know your prayers are getting boring when not only your daughter, but you yourself fall asleep in the middle of them!
When we start praying for individual people in the end it usually ends up like this...

Theresa: "We pray for Mama, Daddy, Baby..."
Abby: "Lamby..."
Theresa: "Lamby, Pablo..."
Abby: "Nini..."
Theresa: "Nini, Gramma..."
Abby: "Papa..."
Theresa: "Papa, Aunt Amanda, Uncle Phil..."
Abby: "Nini..."
Theresa: "Nini..."
Abby: "Lamby, Pablo..."
Theresa: "Pablo..."
Abby: "Mama, Daddy, Baby..."

Maybe you can see why I fell asleep.


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