Thursday, May 21, 2009


We set a lot of timers at our house. Timers for the bikes, the toys, the I-have-to-have-it-now-and-my-brother-won't-give-it-to-me items. The only problem we sometimes have is for how long to set the timer. One of those situations happened today, but I found it pretty amusing. Abby had a friend over, and they both wanted to the bike, so we let the friend go first and then it was Abby's turn. Then the conversation went like this:

Friend: Mrs. Barquero, can you set the timer for 5 minutes until it's my turn again?
Abby: Mom, can you set the timer for 10 minutes instead?
Mom: Okay but then you'll have to wait 10 minutes for your next turn.
Abby: Long pause.
Mom, can you set the timer for 5 minutes?

Instant resolution.

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