Sunday, November 23, 2008


What am I thankful for? I found myself asking that question tonight, as we had testimony and praise time at our church for evening service. So many things - the major ones jumping to my head immediately: God, husband, kids, family, church, living in America, etc. I don't have anything else profound to add to that list actually, and even if I kept thinking about this topic for hours on end, I probably wouldn't come up with anything clever or unique to bless or encourage you. However, I think that I am finally beginning to grasp that I really don't deserve any of those things. I deserve hell. And I have heaven. And a lot of other things. It is simply because of God's grace that I have anything at all. I am a good person, but I am still a sinner. Sinners do not deserve anything from God. But He has given me everything. My being a good person does not earn extra gifts from God, because I live in His Grace and not in my own good merit.

So, this thanksgiving I hope to keep this in mind, and know that however long or short my list of things to be thankful turns out, all of them are undeserved gifts from God.

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